Atsuko Tanaka’s interview / The Essence of Major Motoko Kusanagi From the Perspective of Voice Actor Atsuko Tanaka: Going From an Unknown Being to a United “Partner” With One Heart

In November 2023, the second restructured feature film version of the Netflix series Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 season 2, Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 The Last Man, was released. The voice of the main character, Major Motoko Kusanagi, is played by Atsuko Tanaka, affectionately known as “Major” by fans of the work. For more than a quarter of a century, since the 1995 movie Ghost in the Shell, she has been breathing life into the fully prosthetic body of Motoko. How did she interpret the character with many mysterious aspects? We asked her to reflect on the journey with her partner, from the impressions when they first met to the changes they experienced in the latest work.
The Essence of Major Motoko Kusanagi From the Perspective of Voice Actor Atsuko Tanaka #01 #02
Photo: Kazufumi Shimoyashiki