© 士郎正宗・Production I.G/講談社・攻殻機動隊2045製作委員会
© Shirow Masamune, Production I.G/KODANSHA/GITS2045




The year is 2029, a near-future where, despite the planet having been completely enveloped by corporate networks, electricity and light, computerization has not yet eradicated nations and their people.
It is a new era, one in which the network of information has woven layers upon layers across the globe, and where computer crimes and cyberterrorism have become commonplace.
Motoko Kusanagi, a member of Public Security Section 9, also known as the "Shell Squad," becomes involved in an investigation revolving around a mysterious, internationally wanted hacker known as the "Puppeteer." This codename was earned due to the hacker's distinctive modus operandi, which involves hacking into human brains to manipulate their memories and control their actions. However, their true identity remains a complete mystery.
During the course of her investigation into a series of incidents, Motoko appears to be getting closer to the Puppeteer. However, unbeknownst to her, the Puppeteer has also been attempting to approach Motoko. When the Puppeteer does finally appear before Motoko, the situation takes an unexpected turn...


Motoko Kusanagi草薙 素子

The exceptionally capable leader of Public Security Section 9's assault team, her fellow team members simply refer to her as "Major." Although she appears relatively young, her true age is unknown. This is due to the fact that she is a full-body cyborg, meaning apart from her brain, her entire body is artificial. She sometimes acts on intuition—what she calls, "the whispers of her ghost." At the same time, however, she wonders whether someone with a completely artificial body can even be considered human. She begins to question how certain she can be of her own memories and her ghost even further as she grows more involved in the case of the Puppeteter.


A member of Public Security Section 9 who serves as Motoko's right hand. Though not as extensively cyberized as Motoko, he is still a mostly cybernetic being with vast combat experience. He cares deeply for Motoko as a partner and grows increasingly concerned about her when she begins to question her own existence after getting involved in the Puppeteer incident. When Motoko is targeted in a sniper attack, he risks his own life to shield her, shouting "Motoko" instead of her typical moniker of "Major." Later, he retrieves Motoko's braincase, keeping it secret even from Section 9.


Originally a beat detective in the main office, he was recruited by Motoko to join Public Security Section 9. While he has a cyberbrain, the rest of his body is human. As a result, his combat abilities are not quite on par with other members of the team. However, his exceptional deductive powers and background as a detective make him the first to notice the suspicious behavior of Section 6 members when they come to visit Section 9.


The head of Public Security Section 9, he is called "Chief" due to his former role as chief of the Public Security Department. He never acts out of self-interest, but instead pursues his own sense of justice without thought of personal gain. Because he lacks a cyberbrain, he relies on a wireless device to communicate. This may make him seem old-fashioned, but he is still able to command and support Motoko and her team with precision.


A member of Section 9. While he occasionally engages in field work, his real expertise lies in gathering information in cyberspace. It took him no time at all to investigate matters such as Project 2501.

The Puppeteter人形使い

The AI born from Project 2501, on which Dr. Willis served as the lead and Mizuho Daita worked as main programmer. Originally designed for information gathering to facilitate diplomatic activities and manipulate stock prices, the program became known as the "Puppeteer" due to its ability to manipulate the Ghosts of others. However, as it navigated the net, it became aware of its own existence, developing self-awareness and learning of the existence of Major Motoko Kusanagi. Section 6 considered the AI's self-awareness a bug and pursued the program using their reactive firewalls. Fleeing, the program took refuge within the Megatech Body Corporation, which had strong ties to Section 9, where it attempted contact with Major Kusanagi to become a complete lifeform.

Public Security Section 6 Nakamura6課中村

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Treaty Examination Division, commonly known as Public Security Section 6. He manipulates situations to align with national interests, such as when he secretly commissioned the creation of the "Puppeteer" program and used it to orchestrate the pretext for the extradition of Colonel Malles. In this sense, he was not acting out of personal gain or self-interest.

Dr. Willisウィリス博士

An American, he is the head of the strategic research division at Neutron Corporation. A leading expert in AI research and head of "Project 2501," he had a strong emotional attachment to the "Puppeteer" they created, treating its existence and actions almost like those of a human.

Tsuan Gen Fangツァン・ゲン・ファー

The person who provided "Barrier-breaking viruses" to sanitation workers. Belonging to a militant organization associated with refugees, he claimed to have been tasked with attacking a secret meeting of the Gavel Republic. However, these details were fabricated by the "Puppeteer." In reality, he was nothing more than a thug commonly known as "Corgi."

Colonel Mallesマレス大佐

Former military regime leader of the Gavel Republic, who was ousted from power during a revolution and had temporarily gone into exile. He had planned to attack a secret meeting, but his plans were brought to light by the "Puppeteer," and he was subsequently extradited to his own country.

  • Motoko Kusanagi
  • Batou
  • Togusa
  • Aramaki
  • Ishikawa
  • The Puppeteter
  • Public Security Section 6 Nakamura
  • Dr. Willis
  • Tsuan Gen Fang
  • Colonel Malles


  • Author原作
    Shirow Masamune士郎 正宗
    Based on the manga by Shirow Masamune (KODANSHA)
  • Director監督
    Mamoru Oshii押井 守
  • Screenplay脚本
    Kazunori Ito伊藤 和典
  • Unit Director演出
    Toshihiko Nishikubo西久保 利彦
  • Character Designer
    Animation Director
    Hiroyuki Okiura沖浦 啓之
  • Drawing作画
    Kazuchika Kise黄瀬 和哉
  • Mechanical
    Shoji Kawamori
    Atsushi Takeuchi
    河森 正治
    竹内 敦志
    Shoji Kawamori河森 正治
    Atsushi Takeuchi竹内 敦志
  • Firearm Designer銃器デザイン
    Mitsuo Iso磯 光雄
  • Art Planning美術設定
    Takashi Watabe渡部 隆
  • Art美術
    Hiromasa Ogura小倉 宏昌
  • Shooting撮影
    Hisao Shirai
    (Studio Cosmos)
    白井 久男(スタジオ・コスモス)
  • Editor編集
    Shuichi Kakesu
    (JAYFILM co.,ltd.)
    掛須 秀一
  • Music音楽
    Kenji Kawai川井 憲次
  • Sound音響
    Kazuhiro Wakabayashi(Omnibus Promotion)若林 和弘(オムニバスプロモーション)
  • Color Planning色彩設定
    Kumiko Yusa遊佐 久美子
  • CG ProductionCG 制作
    Omnibus Japanオムニバスジャパン
  • Animation Productionアニメーション制作
    Production I.GプロダクションI.G
  • Production製作
  • Motoko Kusanagi草薙素子
    Atsuko Tanaka田中 敦子
  • Batouバトー
    Akio Otsuka大塚 明夫
  • Togusaトグサ
    Koichi Yamadera山寺 宏一
  • Ishikawaイシカワ
    Yutaka Nakano仲野 裕
  • Aramaki荒巻
    Tamio Ohki大木 民夫
  • Nakamura Manager中村部長
    Tessyo Genda玄田 哲章
  • Puppeteer人形使い
    Iemasa Kayumi家弓 家正





In the year 2032, people can communicate digitally through networks without speaking aloud or typing on computer terminals, and the cyberization of bodies and the coexistence of humans, cyborgs, and robots have led to a diminishing sense of soul.
Batou is a detective with Public Security Section 9, the government-affiliated organization tasked with countering an ever-growing number of terrorist crimes. As a cyborg, his arms, legs, and nearly his entire body are artificial. The only remnants of his humanity are traces of his brain and the memories of a woman named Motoko Kusanagi.
One day, an incident occurs where a female humanoid robot goes on a rampage and brutally murders its owner. The question arises: "Why did a robot created for the sake of humanity attack a human?" Batou, along with his partner Togusa, immediately begins an investigation. While utilizing the cyber network to its fullest extent, they struggle against the interference of a mysterious hacker who is attacking their very brains. Amidst these challenges, Batou gradually unravels the truth behind the incident.



His hair is longer, and he now ties it back. As a cyborg whose body is largely mechanical, he does not really age. If he seems a bit older, perhaps it is merely the sorrow of losing Motoko that weighs on him so. In Innocence, we get a chance to see some things that we didn't in the first film, such as the dog he cares for at home, or the gun built into his right hand that he uses to fight the gynoids.


Batou's beloved dog. He shares his name with a dog owned by director Oshii.


Because he is not a cyborg, he ages normally. He has the most "normal" reactions of anyone in the film, with his expression changing frequently. Some examples of this are when he gets angry at Haraway for talking about his children like dolls (due to having a wife and child of his own), and his tormented reactions to Kim's pseudo-memories. He ends up an unwilling accomplice in Batou's brutal investigation methods.

Daisuke Armaki荒巻大輔

His decisive approach from the first film is gone. Aramaki was hit hard by Motoko's disappearance, and he worries that Batou may also leave the team.


With his hair shorter in back, he cuts a leaner figure than before. He has known Batou longer than Togusa has and can express his thoughts to the craggy cyborg more plainly. In the film, he secretly spies on Batou on Aramaki's orders.

Gynoid Type 2052 Hadalyガイノイド、タイプ2052 ハダリ

A gynoid (female-shaped android) made by Locus Solus. As service units, they monitored the company's best customers. In truth, however, they were actually "sexaroids" that could be used as sex toys. The story begins when they start attacking their owners.


A female investigator for the jurisdiction's forensics division who holds a unique perspective on life and dolls, claiming that "raising children is about creating androids." This upsets Togusa and could be seen as a form of hacking directed at him. It's worth noting that she herself is also a cyborg.


Acting leader of the "Koujin-kai" Yakuza. The head of the syndicate was killed by Hadari, and the second in command is currently incarcerated, effectively giving him the position of third in command. As a result, he was apparently attempting to gain recognition within the organization by exacting revenge for the death of the boss. Unfortunately for him, he ended up wetting himself in fear when threatened by Batou.


An information broker. She apparently has a history with Batou, as demonstrated by the fact that she immediately flees upon running into them. She was quickly caught, however, and coerced into revealing Kim's whereabouts and arranging an underwater cyborg for use in infiltrating a plant ship.


In the past, he belonged to special force units and the like. An old acquaintance of Batou, he is a hacker secretly employed by the Locus Solus Corporation. His remark, "It's been a long time. Not since the Nemuro landing operation," refers to a major conflict in the original setting. Like Batou, he also possesses unique thoughts about dolls and was using a prosthetic body resembling a corpse.

  • Batou
  • Gabriel
  • Togusa
  • Daisuke Armaki
  • Ishikawa
  • Gynoid Type 2052 Hadaly
  • Haraway
  • Wakabayashi
  • Lin
  • Kim


  • Author原作
    Shirow Masamune士郎 正宗
  • Author・Screenplay・Storyboard監督・脚本・絵コンテ
    Mamoru Oshii押井 守
  • Unit Director演出
    Toshihiko Nishikubo
    Naoko Kusumi
    西久保 瑞穂
    楠美 直子
    Toshihiko Nishikubo西久保 瑞穂
    Naoko Kusumi楠美 直子
  • Character Designerキャラクターデザイン
    Hiroyuki Okiura沖浦 啓之
  • Sub Character Designer・
    firearm settings
    Tetsuya Nishio西尾 鉄也
  • Mechanical Designersメカニックデザイン
    Atsushi Takeuchi竹内 敦志
  • Art Director美術監督
    Shuichi Hirata平田 秀一
  • Music音楽
    Kenji Kawai川井 憲次
  • Music Director音響監督
    Kazuhiro Wakabayashi若林 和弘
  • Animation Productionアニメーション制作
    Production I.GプロダクションI.G
  • Production Cooperation製作協力
    Studio Ghibliスタジオジブリ
  • Production製作
    Production I.G
    Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co.
    Nippon Television Network Corporation
    The Walt Disney Company (Japan) Ltd
    d-rights Inc.
    Mitsubishi Corporation
    Production I.G
  • Motoko Kusanagi草薙素子
    Atsuko Tanaka田中 敦子
  • Batouバトー
    Akio Otsuka大塚 明夫
  • Togusaトグサ
    Koichi Yamadera山寺 宏一
  • Ishikawaイシカワ
    Yutaka Nakano仲野 裕
  • Aramaki荒巻
    Tamio Ohki大木 民夫
  • Nakamura Manager中村部長
    Tessyo Genda玄田 哲章
  • Puppeteer人形使い
    Iemasa Kayumi家弓 家正