The year is 2030, an age of converging networks, where thoughts are transferring via light and electricity. Despite these advances, however, computerization has yet to go as far as to erase the complex idea of individuality.
The acceleration of information networkization and the increasing complexity of crime have led to societal turmoil. In response, an offensive organization known as the Public Security Section 9 Independent Unit, more commonly known as the "Shell Squad," was established under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to proactively identify and eliminate the seeds of crime.
The role of Section 9 encompasses a wide range of activities, from addressing severe cybercrimes, protecting important figures within the country, exposing political corruption, investigating heinous murders, to conducting covert assassinations. They also excel in cyber warfare and exhibit remarkable physical combat abilities thanks to their high-performance prosthetic bodies, making them an elite force.

Exceptionally skilled in warfare both conventional and cyber, she possesses a top-class cybernetic body, and distinctive red eyes. Although she still goes by "Major" and fills the role of leader of Section 9's field team, she doesn't harbor the doubts about herself as a cyborg that she does in Oshii's theatrical version. In cyberspace, she uses an avatar named Kuroma. The cybernetic child-body she uses as a decot (a portmanteau of decoy and robot) is referred to as "Kodomotoko" (from the Japanese kodomo, meaning "child," and Motoko). Her girlfriends, Lan and Kurutan, help fill out her private life.

Chief of Public Security Section 9. Formerly with the investigative arm of the Ground Self-Defense Force under Colonel Tonoda, he was one of "Tonoda's Three Crows" along with Kubota and the late Tsujisaki, both of whom he remains close friends with. He has a wife, from whom he is separated, and a grandchild. Unlike in the film, he has a cyberbrain.

A cyborg and former Ranger with all the combat prowess that implies. He is especially attached to the Tachikomas, one of which he reserves for his exclusive use. Despite not having any actual muscles of his own to train, he has an affinity for muscle-training paraphernalia. He has both an intense and a somewhat comical side.

Previously a detective with the main office, he has formidable deductive powers and a firm sense of what is right. Other than his cyberbrain, his body is fully organic. He is also the only family person in Section 9. His character is mostly unchanged from Oshii's theatrical version, including his love for his Mateba revolver.

As a former soldier, he can handle himself in combat, but his particular talent is for electronic information gathering. He often supports Section 9's activities from their cyberbrain dive room. He runs a safe house that doubles as a cyberbrain pachinko parlor, and he has been known to make use of customers' cyberbrains on occasion.

Section 9's sniper. His left eye has been replaced with a cybernetic substitute called a Hawkeye, which allows him to link up with satellites for more precise shooting. In addition to a cyberbrain, his left arm is also prosthetic, but even so, he is second only to Togusa in the amount of his organic body that still remains.

Primarily supports Ishikawa with cyber-based information gathering. Due to his past experience with handling explosives in the military, he often finds himself dealing with investigations involving them. Like Batou, he has prosthetic eyes. He is also even larger than Batou, though he exudes a friendly aura.

Well-versed in hand-to-hand combat, especially knives. However, he is also skilled at reconnaissance and getting information out of people, so he chiefly handles standard investigations. In his personal life, he seems to be quite the playboy, but his taciturn nature leaves many aspects about his life, including his relations with women, a mystery.

Small combat tanks operated by Public Security Section 9. Equipped with AI, they are capable of autonomous actions even without a human operator. They can also carry a single passenger, so can be used for tasks such as apprehending and containing suspects. It's armed with a main cannon capable of firing grenades and other projectiles, and it has a machine gun mounted on its front right leg. Its four rear legs allow both walking and wheeled locomotion. Additionally, it can launch wires similar to artificial spider silk, allowing it to hoist itself to higher positions or restrain the movements of targets.

A wunderkind hacker who launched the "Laughing Man" phenomenon when he kidnapped Ernest Serano. He could be considered the original Laughing Man, but it was actually an essay about the Murai vaccine he found on the Net that formed the initial impetus for his actions. In that sense, he too could be considered a copycat. In addition, he never refers to himself by the name Laughing Man.
- Author原作Shirow Masamune士郎 正宗
- Planners企画Mitsuhisa Ishikawa
Shigeru Watanabe石川 光久
渡辺 繁 - Director
Series Written by監督・シリーズ構成Kenji Kamiyama神山 健治 - Screenplay脚本Shotaro Suga
Yoshiki Sakurai
Dai Sato
Junichi Fujisaku
Nobutoshi Terado菅正 太郎
櫻井 圭記
佐藤 大
藤咲 淳一
寺戸 信寿 - Storyboard・
Unit Directors絵コンテ・演出Toshiyuki Kono
Atsushi Wakabayashi
Jun Matsumoto
Ryutaro Nakamura
Masayuki Yoshihara
Hideyo Yamamoto河野 利幸
若林 厚史
松本 淳
中村 隆太郎
吉原 正行
山本 秀世 - Animation Directors作画監督Takayuki Goto
Masahiro Sato
Kyoji Asano
Meiju Maeda
Kenichi Yamaguchi
Jun Uemura後藤 隆幸
佐藤 雅弘
浅野 恭司
前田 明寿
山口 賢一
植村 淳 - Character DesignerキャラクターデザインHajime Shimomura下村 一
- Mechanical DesignersメカニカルデザインKenji Teraoka
Shinobu Tsuneki寺岡 賢司
常木 志伸 - Art Planning美術設定Hiroshi Kato加藤 浩
- Art Director美術監督Yusuke Takeda竹田 悠介
- Color Planning色彩設定Yumiko Katayama片山 由美子
- Camera Director撮影監督Koji Tanaka田中 宏侍
- 3DCG Director3D監督Makoto Endo遠藤 誠
- Editor編集Junichi Uematsu植松 淳一
- Music音楽Yoko Kanno菅野 よう子
- Sound Director音響監督Kazuhiro Wakabayashi若林 和弘
- Sound Effects音響効果Daisuke Jinbo神保 大介
- Production制作Production I.GプロダクションI.G
- Cooperation協力Shirow Masamune士郎 正宗
- Production製作Production I.G / BANDAI VISUAL /
BANDAI Entertainment / DENTSU INC. /
Nippon Television Network Corporation /
Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd. /
Victor Entertainment / MANGA ENTERTAINMENTProduction I.G/バンダイビジュアル
バンダイ エンタテインメント/電通/日本テレビ
マンガ エンタテインメント
- Motoko Kusanagi草薙素子Atsuko Tanaka田中 敦子
- Daisuke Aramaki荒巻 大輔Osamu Saka阪脩
- BatouバトーAkio Otsuka大塚 明夫
- TogusaトグサKoichi Yamadera山寺 宏一
- IshikawaイシカワYutaka Nakano仲野 裕
- SaitoサイトーToru Okawa大川 透
- PazパズTakashi Onozuka小野塚 貴志
- BormaボーマTaro Yamaguchi山口 太郎
- TachikomaタチコマSakiko Tamagawa玉川 紗己子
In the year 2030, six months after the resolution of the "Laughing Man Incident," approximately 3 million foreign refugees were brought into the country to compensate for the labor shortage. With the presence of these refugees increasing by the day, a growing conflict between the refugees and the Individualists, advocates for the nation's isolation, has led to an increase in terrorism. Amid this situation, a group calling themselves the "Individual Eleven" carries out acts of terror and self-destruction.
However, there was something larger at work behind the actions of the "Individual Eleven" pulling the strings, and the group was merely being manipulated. Realizing this, Public Security Section 9 began hunting the mastermind behind these events.
At the same time, a survivor of the self-destructed Individual Eleven, a charismatic man named Kuze, became the leader among the refugees, further deepening their conflict with the government. Amidst this, Motoko Kusanagi begins to sense a strange connection to Kuze.

Exceptionally skilled in warfare both conventional and cyber, she possesses a top-class cybernetic body, and distinctive red eyes. Although she still goes by "Major" and fills the role of leader of Section 9's field team, she doesn't harbor the doubts about herself as a cyborg that she does in Oshii's theatrical version. In cyberspace, she uses an avatar named Kuroma. The cybernetic child-body she uses as a decot (a portmanteau of decoy and robot) is referred to as "Kodomotoko" (from the Japanese kodomo, meaning "child," and Motoko). Her girlfriends, Lan and Kurutan, help fill out her private life.

Chief of Public Security Section 9. Formerly with the investigative arm of the Ground Self-Defense Force under Colonel Tonoda, he was one of "Tonoda's Three Crows" along with Kubota and the late Tsujisaki, both of whom he remains close friends with. He has a wife, from whom he is separated, and a grandchild. Unlike in the film, he has a cyberbrain.

A cyborg and former Ranger with all the combat prowess that implies. He is especially attached to the Tachikomas, one of which he reserves for his exclusive use. Despite not having any actual muscles of his own to train, he has an affinity for muscle-training paraphernalia. He has both an intense and a somewhat comical side.

Previously a detective with the main office, he has formidable deductive powers and a firm sense of what is right. Other than his cyberbrain, his body is fully organic. He is also the only family person in Section 9. His character is mostly unchanged from Oshii's theatrical version, including his love for his Mateba revolver.

As a former soldier, he can handle himself in combat, but his particular talent is for electronic information gathering. He often supports Section 9's activities from their cyberbrain dive room. He runs a safe house that doubles as a cyberbrain pachinko parlor, and he has been known to make use of customers' cyberbrains on occasion.

Section 9's sniper. His left eye has been replaced with a cybernetic substitute called a Hawkeye, which allows him to link up with satellites for more precise shooting. In addition to a cyberbrain, his left arm is also prosthetic, but even so, he is second only to Togusa in the amount of his organic body that still remains.

Primarily supports Ishikawa with cyber-based information gathering. Due to his past experience with handling explosives in the military, he often finds himself dealing with investigations involving them. Like Batou, he has prosthetic eyes. He is also even larger than Batou, though he exudes a friendly aura.

Well-versed in hand-to-hand combat, especially knives. However, he is also skilled at reconnaissance and getting information out of people, so he chiefly handles standard investigations. In his personal life, he seems to be quite the playboy, but his taciturn nature leaves many aspects about his life, including his relations with women, a mystery.

Small combat tanks operated by Public Security Section 9. Equipped with AI, they are capable of autonomous actions even without a human operator. They can also carry a single passenger, so can be used for tasks such as apprehending and containing suspects. It's armed with a main cannon capable of firing grenades and other projectiles, and it has a machine gun mounted on its front right leg. Its four rear legs allow both walking and wheeled locomotion. Additionally, it can launch wires similar to artificial spider silk, allowing it to hoist itself to higher positions or restrain the movements of targets.

Skilled in cyber warfare, he is also responsible for maintaining the Tachikoma. His true identity is a Bioroid, a type of genetically engineered humanoid.

Killed in combat during Public Security Section 9's raid on the port in Etorofu where Kuze was believed to be. The loss of a comrade in the battle left the members of Public Security Section 9 speechless.

One of the new Public Security Section 9 recruits introduced in this work along with Proto and Yano. You can see his grown-up appearance in the following work, "S.S.S."

The first female prime minister of Japan, she authorized the reformation of Section 9. Her administration replaced the previous "Yakushima Administration" with a reactionary conservative government. Soon after taking office, she announced a shift in refugee policy. While she called herself a "figurehead for fighting snap elections," she struggled to demonstrate effective leadership. However, through a series of refugee-related incidents, she grew both personally and as a leader.

He becomes infected with the Individual Eleven virus and attempts to assassinate Prime Minister Kayabuki. While conducting peace-keeping activities on the peninsula, he met many refugees, many of whom were drawn to his personal charisma. At the same time, however, he grew disgusted with people who chew through the infrastructure of the Net, only collecting information that benefits them. As he contemplates a revolution of his own, specifically a merging of man and Net,he escapes the influence of the virus and becomes a leader of the refugees.

Deputy chief representative of the Cabinet Intelligence Service's division for battle influence assessment. Previously involved in the production of radiation removal micromachines at the Dai-Nippon Technical Institute. While he used to have an ordinary face, he chose to retain the scars he received during an accident. His goal is to engineer "heroes" who will shape public opinion as part of a scheme to promote the rejection of refugees.
- Author・Cooperation原作・協力Shirow Masamune士郎 正宗
- Planners企画Mitsuhisa Ishikawa
Shigeru Watanabe石川 光久
渡辺 繁 - Director
Series Written by監督・シリーズ構成Kenji Kamiyama神山 健治 - Story ConceptストーリーコンセプトMamoru Oshii押井 守
- Character DesignersキャラクターデザインTakayuki Goto
Tetsuya Nishio後藤 隆幸
西尾 鉄也 - Original Character
DesignerオリジナルキャラクターデザインHajime Shimomura下村 一 - Mechanical
DesignersメカニカルデザインKenji Teraoka
Shinobu Tsuneki寺岡 賢司
常木 志伸 - Art Director美術監督Yusuke Takeda竹田 悠介
- Art Planning美術設定Hiroshi Kato加藤 浩
- Color Planning色彩設定Yumiko Katayama片山 由美子
- SFX特殊効果Masahiro Murakami村上 正博
- Editor編集Junichi Uematsu植松 淳一
- Camera Director撮影監督Koji Tanaka田中 宏侍
- 3DCG Director3D監督Makoto Endo遠藤 誠
- Sound Director音響監督Kazuhiro Wakabayashi若林 和弘
- Music音楽Yoko Kanno菅野 よう子
- Music Producer音楽プロデューサーToshiaki Ota太田 敏明
- Music Director音楽ディレクターYoshimoto Ishikawa石川 吉元
- Music Production音楽制作Victor Entertainmentビクターエンタテインメント
- ProducerプロデューサーYuichiro Matsuya
Hisanori Kunisaki松家雄一郎
国崎久徳 - Production制作Production I.GProduction I.G
- Production製作Production I.G / BANDAI VISUAL /
BANDAI Entertainment / DENTSU INC. /
Nippon Television Network Corporation /
Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd. /
Victor Entertainment / MANGA ENTERTAINMENTProduction I.G/バンダイビジュアル
バンダイ エンタテインメント/電通/日本テレビ
マンガ エンタテインメント
- Motoko Kusanagi草薙素子Atsuko Tanaka田中 敦子
- Daisuke Aramaki荒巻 大輔Osamu Saka阪脩
- BatouバトーAkio Otsuka大塚 明夫
- TogusaトグサKoichi Yamadera山寺 宏一
- IshikawaイシカワYutaka Nakano仲野 裕
- SaitoサイトーToru Okawa大川 透
- PazパズTakashi Onozuka小野塚 貴志
- BormaボーマTaro Yamaguchi山口 太郎
- TachikomaタチコマSakiko Tamagawa玉川 紗己子
In the year 2034, two years after the Refugee Uprising Incident, the newly reinforced Public Security Section 9 and its 20 new recruits face a new case. They are sent to deal with a situation at the airport, where a man has taken hostages and barricaded himself in. The incident is tied to a series of suicide cases involving 13 terrorists who all share the same tattoo. The perpetrator is eventually cornered by Public Security Section 9, but he simply declares, "The Puppeteer is coming," before taking his own life. Soon after, a number of difficult cases all occur simultaneously. Behind them all lurks the presence of a wizard-class hacker known as the Puppeteer.
Faced with one difficult case after another, how will the members of the new Section 9 deal with them all? What is the real identity of the "Puppeteer" hiding behind these events? And what does "Solid State Society" signify?

Perhaps influenced by her battles against formidable enemies such as Aoi and Kuze, after disappearing from Public Security Section 9, she begins secretly intervening in "incidents that cannot be dealt with through typical organizational methodologies" via the use of multiple remote bodies, conducting investigative activities based on personal reasoning.
One such undertaking involved making a contract with the Treaty Inspection Department to assassinate Ka Rum. The assassination was meant to be carried out in an official manner, but the "Puppeteer" beat her to the job, driving Ka Rum to commit suicide.

Feeling the loss caused by the absence of Motoko Kusanagi, he now shows signs of aging. Nevertheless, he aims to expand Public Security Section 9 with the objective of forming "an organization capable of resolving three incidents with an 80% effort." In an attempt to leave a legacy behind after his retirement, he is attempting to restructure the organization.

Still with Public Security Section 9, he now takes on the role of a training instructor for new recruits. However, he frequently involves himself in cases that seem likely to be related to Motoko Kusanagi. He has declined offers from Aramaki to become the leader of Public Security Section 9.

After Batou declined the position, he became head of field operations for Public Security Section 9, also becoming partially cyborg. He has also revealed the truth to his family, admitting that he works for Public Security instead of a private security company as he previously told them. This has allowed him to find balance between his work and family life.

As one of the remaining veterans of Public Security Section 9, he continues to engage primarily in information gathering activities. He managed to obtain the initial lead regarding the disappearance of over 20,000 children and was the one who managed to deactivate the security system during the raid on the Sacred People's Relief Center.

Although deployed to Africa for a different mission, he returned home when the Puppeteer incident occurred. Although she was advised by Togusa to get some rest, she was urgently summoned by Aramaki upon receiving news of Raj Poot's entry into the country, leading to a sniper showdown.

Still with Public Security Section 9, his role of supporting the mean through information gathering remains unchanged. He discovers the memories of the child found at Ka Gae-Ru's hideout had been rewritten, and uncovers information about the "decayed old man" residing at the address the child mentioned.

One of the veteran members of Public Security Section 9. During the infiltration of the Sacred People's Relief Center, when questioned by someone, he responds with, "Knowing won't change anything; you'll just die in vain," and proceeds to lock the opponent's cyberbrain. His nihilistic attitude seems unchanged from before.

Small combat tanks operated by Public Security Section 9. Equipped with AI, they are capable of autonomous actions even without a human operator. They can also carry a single passenger, so can be used for tasks such as apprehending and containing suspects. It's armed with a main cannon capable of firing grenades and other projectiles, and it has a machine gun mounted on its front right leg. Its four rear legs allow both walking and wheeled locomotion. Additionally, it can launch wires similar to artificial spider silk, allowing it to hoist itself to higher positions or restrain the movements of targets.

A prototype bioroid, he has managed to make a full recovery after his brain was nearly fried during the events of 2nd GIG. He is responsible for forensic tasks as well as assisting Aramaki with administrative duties. He also provides backup for Ishikawa during tasks such as information gathering and accompanies Ishikawa during the infiltration of the Sacred People's Relief Center.

One of the members who joined the team during 2nd GIG. When Colonel Ka Gae-Ru took hostages, he infiltrated the airport alongside Togusa.

Lieutenant in the Siak Republic Army, he is a highly skilled sniper and the commander of Ka Rum's personal guards. He is offered information regarding the assassin who killed Ka Rum in exchange for assassinating Munei. In reality, however, he was simply being manipulated by the Puppeteer.

A reactionary conservative nationalist representative who campaigned on the promise of "rule by pure Japanese." He was conducting elite education for children at the Sacred People's Relief Center. Although he has augmented his hands, he does not have a cyberbrain. As a result, the Puppeteer was unable to ghost-hack him into committing suicide, instead attempting to have him killed by Raj Poot.

The individual credited with creating the fundamental concept of the Solid State System for Munei. Operating via a remote body, he worked as a bureaucrat, carrying out his duties matter-of-factly. In truth, however, he had died two years prior, having joined Munei's project around that time. The body was being manipulated by someone presumed to be the Puppeteer to advance the project.
- Author原作Shirow Masamune士郎 正宗
- Director監督Kenji Kamiyama神山 健治
- Music音楽Yoko Kanno菅野 よう子
- Character DesignersキャラクターデザインTakayuki Goto
Tetsuya Nishio後藤 隆幸
西尾 鉄也 - Mechanical
DesignersメカニカルデザインKenji Teraoka
Shinobu Tsuneki寺岡 賢司
常木 志伸 - General Animation
Director総作画監督Takayuki Goto後藤 隆幸 - Art Director美術監督Yusuke Takeda竹田 悠介
- Camera Director撮影監督Koji Tanaka田中 宏侍
- 3DCG Directors3D監督Makoto Endo
Noriki Tsukamoto遠藤 誠
塚本倫基 - Color Planning色彩設定Yumiko Katayama片山 由美子
- Production制作Production I.GProduction I.G
- Distributors配給Production I.G
T-JOYProduction I.G
ティ・ジョイ - Publicity
Cooperations宣伝協力Presidio Corporation
YOAKE Pictures Inc.プレシディオ
ヨアケ - Production製作GHOST IN THE SHELL COMMITTEE攻殻機動隊製作委員会
- Motoko Kusanagi草薙素子Atsuko Tanaka田中 敦子
- Daisuke Aramaki荒巻 大輔Osamu Saka阪脩
- BatouバトーAkio Otsuka大塚 明夫
- TogusaトグサKoichi Yamadera山寺 宏一
- IshikawaイシカワYutaka Nakano仲野 裕
- SaitoサイトーToru Okawa大川 透
- PazパズTakashi Onozuka小野塚 貴志
- BormaボーマTaro Yamaguchi山口 太郎